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Certifications and Training

200-hour Sivananda Yoga (2007)      Sivananda Yoga Center, Bahamas

50-hour Rocket Yoga (2014)                   David Kyle, Washington DC

Living Ayurveda Course (2009)           Yogahealer with Cate Stillman

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant (2010) Kripalu Yoga Center, MA

Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist (2010)        Kripalu Yoga Center, MA

Pune Gurukula Program with Dr. Lad (2012) The Ayurvedic Institute, India

50-hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (2018)

**Thousands of hours studying under skilled teachers and a rigorous daily practice**

Whitney currently studies and assists under the guidance of Michael Joel Hall at DC Ashtanga, in Washington, DC.

I believe in the power of connection, vulnerability, working hard, and being kind to ourselves and others. I attempt to utilize these tools as I teach, and as I hold space for your inner transformation.

I have been a student and teacher of yoga for the last 10 years. I have studied many different styles, however, the traditions that have called to her most have been Ashtanga and Iyengar. I'm drawn to the extensive lineages that both of these traditions maintain, and also their emphasis on the teacher-student relationship. It has been my experience that having a one-on-one relationship to a teacher is essential for progress in yoga. This is what led me to focus my energy and efforts to working with one-on-one with students. I find that students are able to work on a deeper level and make greater strides in the context of private sessions. I am honored to assist and bear witness to each student's hard work and transformation though yoga.

I’ve had the incredible privilege to take 3 extended trips to India in the past few years to further my studies; two trips to study at KPJAYI with Sharath Jois (Mysore, India), and one to study my other passion,  Ayurveda, with Dr. Vasant Lad (Pune, India). I plan to return to India yearly to continue my studies in both subjects.

My Story

Growing up I was a serious student and 3-season athlete. I worked hard and had high expectations for myself. After graduating high school I attended Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. I intended to study math and engineering, as those were my best subjects in high school. The work was tough, but I was even tougher on myself. Through the first year in college, I became rundown, with a combination of stress, and poor eating and sleeping habits. I found it difficult to keep up with my work and I became tired and depressed. It was right at this time that I walked into my first yoga class. The first thing I remember about being in a yoga class, was the simplicity of it all. All I needed was myself and the mat. No books, no food, no internet, no TV; in short nothing to consume. When my mind had nothing to consume, it turned inward and began to process. Process experiences, memories, thoughts, and even the seeds of thoughts. I was amazed. I quickly became interested in learning more about what was happening on the mat, and why it works so well.

I started to seek out teachers in the surrounding area who I connected with, and began to study with them regularly. These first teachers I studied with practiced in the Iyengar and Anusara lineages.

In my second year at Dartmouth, I took a leap of faith, and signed up for a yoga teacher training at an ashram in the Bahamas. I took a semester off school and did a concentrated 5-week teacher training. It was at this intensive, that I first learned about Ayurveda. When I went back to school, I sought out more information on Ayurveda from my yoga teachers, and thus began my second passion in life. I started working with my first Ayurvedic teacher, Cate Stillman, who was based in Idaho. I began distance learning courses with her while working on my degree.

These initial experiences set me on the path that I've been on for the last 10 years. It took a long time, but these two wisdom traditions began to work and heal me not only physically and emotionally, but also from the deeper and entrenched stories about myself that I had believed all my life. 

It is through Yoga and Ayurveda, that I am the thriving person I am today. My teachers have been indispensable in providing me the guidance I needed to do this inner work. The teacher-student relationship has been the most powerful and transformative aspect of my practice and my work.

This is why I so highly value the work I do one-on-one with clients. I want you to have what I'm having, and I'm here to get you there!